PIPE: Ein System zur Pseudonymisierung von Gesundheitsdaten
Der Einsatz des elektronischen Gesundheitsakts (ELGA) verspricht eine Verbesserung der Kommunikation zwischen Gesundheitsdiensteanbietern, wodurch nicht nur die Qualität der Behandlungen in bestimmten Bereichen weiter gesteigert, sondern auch die Behandlungskosten positiv beeinflusst werden können. Da diese streng vertraulichen Daten jedoch ein lohnendes Ziel für Angreifer darstellen,…
Fortification of IT Security by Automatic Security Advisory Processing
The past years have seen the rapid increase of security related incidents in the field of information technology. IT infrastructures in the commercial as well as in the governmental sector are becoming evermore heterogeneous which increases the complexity of handling and maintaining an adequate security…
Improving Patients Privacy with Pseudonymization
Abstract: e-Health requires the sharing of patient related data when and where necessary. Electronic health records promise to improve communication between health care providers, thus leading to better quality of patients‘ treatment and reduced costs. As highly sensitive patient information provides a promising goal (e.g.,…
Semantic Potential of Existing Security Advisory Standards
New discoveries made on a nearly daily basis and the constantly growing amount of vulnerabilities in software products have led to the distribution of great numbers of vendor dependent vulnerability information over various channels such as mailing lists and RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds. However,…