Recent advances in SEMERGY: A semantically enriched optimization environment for performance-guided building design and refurbishment
The SEMERGY project explores the utility of semantic web technologies toward populating the required input data for performance based building design optimization. A major portion of the required information (e.g. material properties, climatic data and standards, etc.) exists on the internet in extensive, yet ill-structured…
Project CSRmap Started
Together with SophiSystems GmbH we started the project CSRmap by September 2, 2013. The goal of this project is to develop a preliminary version of a tool which supports companies to identify and visualize sustainability risks and to improve sustainability stakeholder communications. Stakeholders expect companies…
A comprehensive building model for performance-guided decision support
This paper reports on a specific effort within the ongoing research and development project SEMERGY. This project is geared toward the development of a performance-guided decision making environment for building design and retrofit. A multi-objective optimization environment requires a dynamic representation of the building, which…
Project ECOPLAN started
Together with the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) we started ECOPLAN on September 2, 2013. While many tools exist to support the design of energy efficient buildings and city-wide energy infrastructure there is a clear need for…
An ontology-aided optimization approach to eco-efficient building design
Despite the advances in development of building performance simulation tools, their potential for performance-guided design has not been sufficiently exploited within the design community. This is in part due to the complexity of data accumulation for simulation purposes and the elaborate data entry modalities of…
2nd Place – ZIT IKT Call 2013
Our project „CSRmap – Analysis and Mapping of Corporate Sustainability Risks“ was ranked as the second best project in the ZIT IKT 2013 call.
IEEE SMC2013 Special Session On Environmental Information Systems
From October 13 to October 16 we organize a special session on Environmental Information Systems at the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics in Manchester, UK. Click hereto download the call for papers.
KIRAS Symposium Talk
Today, Stefan presented the results of our KIRAS project „Data Security Monitoring in Austria“ at the third KIRAS symposium in Vienna. Click here to download the presentation slides.
Workshop On Security Ontologies And Taxonomies (SecOnT 2013)
The Second International Workshop on Security Ontologies and Taxonomies (SecOnt 2013) will be held in conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2013) on September 3 in Regensburg, Germany. With SecOnT we aim at establishing a highly specialized annual meeting…
ENISA PSG Meeting Keynote
Today, Stefan gave a keynote on Information Security Knowledge Sharing at the ENISA PSG Meeting in Athens. Download the slides here.
Multi-objective optimization in the SEMERGY environment for sustainable building design and retrofit
This paper reports on a specific effort (optimization procedure) within the on-going research and development project SEMERGY. This project is geared towards the development of a decision making environment for performance-guided building design and retrofit. The present contribution illustrates advances towards the creation of a…
IT-Security Check launched
Our web-based IT-security check is now available at The tool enables small- and medium-sized enterprises to efficiently assess their IT security risks and to identify appropriate countermeasures to reduce the risks to an acceptable level. The screencast on provides an in-depth preview of the functionality and…