2nd Place – ZIT IKT Call 2013
Our project „CSRmap – Analysis and Mapping of Corporate Sustainability Risks“ was ranked as the second best project in the ZIT IKT 2013 call.
IEEE SMC2013 Special Session On Environmental Information Systems
From October 13 to October 16 we organize a special session on Environmental Information Systems at the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics in Manchester, UK. Click hereto download the call for papers.
KIRAS Symposium Talk
Today, Stefan presented the results of our KIRAS project „Data Security Monitoring in Austria“ at the third KIRAS symposium in Vienna. Click here to download the presentation slides.
Workshop On Security Ontologies And Taxonomies (SecOnT 2013)
The Second International Workshop on Security Ontologies and Taxonomies (SecOnt 2013) will be held in conjunction with the 8th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2013) on September 3 in Regensburg, Germany. With SecOnT we aim at establishing a highly specialized annual meeting…
ICSSE 2012 Keynote on "Energy-efficient buildings for a greener future"
Today, Stefan gave a keynote on „Energy-efficient buildings for a greener future“ at the ICSSE 2012 conference in Yogyakarta. Download the slides here.
Cloud Security and Privacy in the Light of the 2012 EU Data Protection Regulation
The essential characteristics of cloud computing such as elasticity or broad network access provide many economic benefits for their users, but with these benefits also many security and privacy risks come along. These risks can be generally classied into legal and technical risks. The upcoming…