ISO 27001 Check launched
Our web-based ISO 27001 Pre-Check is now available at Sign up and try the demo check for free. The ISO 27001 pre-check enables you to quickly evaluate the current ISO 27001 compliance status of your organization by going through a guided questionnaire regarding all…
Press Release: Gebäudesanierung per Mausklick
Sie wollen Ihr Haus sanieren oder ein neues umweltbewusstes, energiesparendes Gebäude bauen? TU Wien und Xylem Technologies haben ein Computertool entwickelt, das die Planung übernimmt. Dass sich energiebewusste Sanierung von Gebäuden auszahlt, hat sich mittlerweile herumgesprochen. Doch viele Leute schrecken vor Sanierungsprojekten ganz einfach deshalb…
Mercur 2013 Innovation Award – Green Economy
Der MERCUR ist der Innovationspreis Wiens und wird jährlich von der Wirtschaftskammer Wien vergeben. Sein Ziel ist, das Innovationspotential der Wiener Unternehmen aufzuzeigen und zu fördern. Dieses Jahr wurden 126 gültige Projekte eingereicht. SEMERGY zählt zu den besten fünf seiner Kategorie.
IEEE SMC Special Session On Environmental Information Systems
Today, Stefan chaired the Special Session on Environmental Information Systems at IEEE SMC 2013 in Manchester, UK. The session has been organized together with Prof. Lei Huang (Beijing Jiaotong University) and Amin Anjomshoaa (Vienna University of Technology) in the context of the SEMERGY project. The following…
Recent advances in SEMERGY: A semantically enriched optimization environment for performance-guided building design and refurbishment
The SEMERGY project explores the utility of semantic web technologies toward populating the required input data for performance based building design optimization. A major portion of the required information (e.g. material properties, climatic data and standards, etc.) exists on the internet in extensive, yet ill-structured…
Project CSRmap Started
Together with SophiSystems GmbH we started the project CSRmap by September 2, 2013. The goal of this project is to develop a preliminary version of a tool which supports companies to identify and visualize sustainability risks and to improve sustainability stakeholder communications. Stakeholders expect companies…
A comprehensive building model for performance-guided decision support
This paper reports on a specific effort within the ongoing research and development project SEMERGY. This project is geared toward the development of a performance-guided decision making environment for building design and retrofit. A multi-objective optimization environment requires a dynamic representation of the building, which…
Project ECOPLAN started
Together with the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) we started ECOPLAN on September 2, 2013. While many tools exist to support the design of energy efficient buildings and city-wide energy infrastructure there is a clear need for…
An ontology-aided optimization approach to eco-efficient building design
Despite the advances in development of building performance simulation tools, their potential for performance-guided design has not been sufficiently exploited within the design community. This is in part due to the complexity of data accumulation for simulation purposes and the elaborate data entry modalities of…
2nd Place – ZIT IKT Call 2013
Our project „CSRmap – Analysis and Mapping of Corporate Sustainability Risks“ was ranked as the second best project in the ZIT IKT 2013 call.